Things to come A study in Biblical Eschatology

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In this massive, highly successful book, Dr. Pentecost – Dwight Pentecost – has synthesized the whole field of prophecy into a unified biblical doctrine, a systematic and complete biblical eschatology.

337,50 kr

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Dwight Pentecost’s monumental text, Things to Come, has changed all that. In this massive, highly successful book, Dr. Pentecost has synthesized the whole field of prophecy into a unified biblical doctrine, a systematic and complete biblical eschatology.
Because of the prominence of prophecy in Scripture, many excellent books have appeared dealing with prophetic subjects. Until recently, however, the treatment of prophecy has been either apologetic or expository, and prophetic themes have been developed individually apart from their relation to the whole revealed prophetic program. Much of our knowledge has been only fragmentary and unrelated. Dr. Dwight Pentecost’s monumental text, Things to Come, has changed all that. In this massive, highly successful book, Dr. Pentecost has synthesized the whole field of prophecy into a unified biblical doctrine, a systematic and complete biblical eschatology. With nearly a quarter of a million copies sold, Things to Come has earned its place in the library of the pastor, the scholar, and the seminarian or Bible institute student. In addition, it offers a comprehensive and accessible study for anyone interested in the important subject of biblical prophecy.

633 sidor. Inbunden med skyddsomslag.  Gott skick. En del raka blyertsunderstrykningar.

Zondervan, 12:e upplagan.

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Things to come A study in Biblical Eschatology Things to come A study in Biblical Eschatology
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