Studies in Devarim Deuteronomy (5 Mos)

375,00 kr


by Nehama Leibowitz

Bibelstudier i Torah.

Nechama Leibowitz () has become widely recognized as one of the most influential Torah scholars of the 20th century. For approximately thirty years, Nechama published gilyonot (study sheets) on the weekly Torah portion, which she distributed to students throughout the world. In these gilyonot, Nechama presented selections from the Torah text and accompanying commentaries along with probing questions designed to guide the readers through a textual analysis that would deepen their understanding of the passage. Over the years, literally thousands of individuals studied in Nechama’s enlightening classes and used her gilyonot to guide their Torah study. Among these devoted students were a large number of teachers of Torah in both Israel and the Diaspora. Nechama was the teachers’ teacher, and her insights on methodology have been utilized by educators throughout the world. This book collects her studies on sefer Devarim, also known as the Book of Deuteronomy.

World Zionist Organisation, Department for torah Education & Culture in the diaspora

Jerusalem 1980.

432 sidor. Nyskick.

Inbunden med hårda pärmar och med skyddsomslag. (Inköpt i Israel).

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Vikt 710 g


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Studies in Devarim Deuteronomy (5 Mos) Studies in Devarim Deuteronomy (5 Mos)
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