Introduction to the Old Testament | R K Harrison

375,00 kr

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By R. K. Harrison, proessor of Old Testament Wycliffe College, University of Toronto.

A thorough guide to the Old Testament for both scholar and novice. Thoroughly researched and fully documented, it begins with a lengthy section on the history of the criticism of the Old Testament, viewing the Hebrew Scriptures in the light of archaeology, chronology, history, religion and theology. Various views are presented regarding such issues as the authorship of the Pentateuch, the extent of the Flood, and the date of the Exodus.

This is followed by a detailed discussion of each Old Testament book, paying close attention to its historical background, authorship, and principal ideas. This text also contains an overview of the books in the Apocrypha, which has been included chiefly for Protestants who may never have had occasion to study these books and their influence on early Judaism.

Intervarsity Press. 1977. 1234 sidor.

Antikvariatsbok i gott skick. Namn på försättsbladet.

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Introduction to the Old Testament | R K Harrison Introduction to the Old Testament | R K Harrison
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